Saturday, March 4, 2017

Is Ignorance a bliss or a pain?

After seeing my last post on Instagram about ignorance. My friend messaged me saying, “I thought ignorance is bliss.”
Yes, she is right that’s what I also thought and heard since my childhood. But then I learned and realized that everything has 2 sides of it and depending on which side we are standing we decide on the outcome. Our actions and experiences will never be the same in similar looking situations. Word “Ignorance” also has two sides of it. Depending on the context of the situation, it can be a bliss or a pain. 
Ignorance is a bliss if it is not about convenience. Ignorance is bliss if we are not getting involved in any kind of unnecessary information such as gossip, false news, back-biting, etc. Ignorance is bliss if we are not comparing our journey with others. We should be ignorant of what others think of us. It is not important, important is what we think of ourselves. 
If we are ignorant about our own self then we feel discomfort. It is going to be painful if we are ignorant about our potentiality. Life is going to be full of miseries if we are ignorant of our thought process and state of mind. We will be attacked by several diseases if we are ignorant with our breath. It’s not the problem, but it’s our nature of being ignorant makes us suffer most of the time. Our breath has a direct connection with our mind and body. Our awareness of our breath can heal and solve most of our problems and diseases. Knowing our breath pattern is the first step of knowing our own self and our mind. 

Here is the post for people who didn’t get a chance to see it on Instagram. “Ignorance is the mother of all diseases, discomfort, pain and misery. A purified, quiet, and serene mind is positive and healthy. The process of meditation helps the mind remain a useful and constructive instrument.”
Here is the link of my Instagram where I posted it: