Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So the other day I was driving and my cars GPS was on. The GPS gave me an instruction to take the 2nd exit to go west, but I made a mistake and took the exit towards east instead. The moment I took that exit, I realized that I had made a mistake. I got worried and wanted to stop or reverse, but it was impossible for me to do that. At the same time, my cars GPS started locating a new route and suggested that I go ahead on a highway and take the first exit to my right. I followed the instructions and eventually my cars GPS brought me back to the correct path. Yes, it definitely took longer than the regular route, but it didn’t matter as long as I was back on track. When I came back home and was thinking about the whole thing, I realized that the situation I faced is so similar to our day-to-day life. We are on a journey and we have our instinct as our GPS. Our instinct is always informing us about the right and wrong path. When we don't listen to our instinct and make mistakes, that does not mean it’s the end. It’s ok to make mistakes. But after making a mistake, if we realize and listen to our instinct, then we can definitely come back to the right path. We are humans and we tend to make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we are bad or that we can’t do things in a better way. I believe that if we humans learn from our mistakes, then we can create miracles because we are children of a Great Magician called "God".

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why this Kolaveri di?

I always ask myself why am I not successful? Why am I not famous? How can I become known? I work hard, I am smart, I follow every single step which should make you successful, but then why am I still not known? I am not known because I am unknowing of the fact that success is not about hard work, it's not about being smart and it's not about following a path. I can never become famous by following because fame is not about following a path- it is about creating one. A path that is fresh, new, different and abstract. If people are not laughing at you, then they will never clap for you either. Success is a ripple effect, a ripple effect of a known potential. I need to know my potential so that I can be the start of that ripple effect. If I don't know myself, then how can I expect people to know me? Yes, I need to know myself better than ever. It’s me who can bring the difference in me and the world. I don’t have to change anything to get the best from the world; instead I need to do my best to bring change in the world. A world that is going crazy listening to Kolaveri di. Nobody knows what is good in that song, but it has created a ripple effect. Its new, fresh and abstract. If that song can get famous so can you. So be the start of the ripple effect of your success.