Saturday, April 16, 2011


I always knew that we humans are smart and have good understanding, but the only thing is that we ignore that behavior of ours. Yaa really today when I was traveling in a car and watching other people pass by and we were passing some cars too, and what I realized is that nobody was panicking and nobody was thinking about who is going fast and who is going slow, and that is because we all know that we are going to our destination and we all have our own set time to go there. On this road trip of mine I saw that nobody wants to prove, nobody wants to set their own rules and conditions for others- everybody was their own idol and nobody was feeling superior or getting priority because of a better car. People were calm, maybe upset, maybe chilling but in their own premises (Car) but they were not influencing anybody outside; instead they were doing what was best for all. That road trip was really amazing for me to realize this potential of us humans, but what happens to us in our day-to-day life, why are we the complete opposite of that? Why are we all in a panicky state most of the time? Why are we going so fast- to come first in everything, is that what really matters? Did we really forget that we all have the potential to do something better and all us individuals have our own style and time to do that? Why do we always want to prove ourselves and in that process, set rules and conditions to limit ourselves? Can't we be free from all that? Can't we just forget about running behind all these competitions and destinations, and just go out for a new journey every time and become a better driver of our own life? I think it is going to be very simple and fun only if we take it that way. We humans are children of a Magician called God and we have this talent of creating Magic in people’s lives and ours. So let's go peeps, boost ur woofers, listen to the music and enjoy the Journey of life and keep refilling your Heart tank with joy, positivity and an energetic smile :-) pe pe pe peeeeee honk honk;-)


  1. honk honk pe pe pe.....enjoy..:D

  2. very well said......or i should say written.....hahaha.....its seldom that we reflect on situations around us this way as it needs special kind of insight into our own thoughts which very few people posses....keep writing.... :) and always enjoy ur ride....honk honk..... ;)

  3. Thanks V. This actually made me stop and think...don't worry now while driving. But it is a simple yet effective thought. xoEsha
