Sunday, June 27, 2010

“Quake of My Heart

Couple of days back I witnessed an earthquake and experienced the effects of it. The earthquake was strong and lasted for some 30 seconds… But those 30 seconds shook everything… houses, buildings, tables, and me... I really got scared and started running to save myself and I am sure everybody did that and luckily the earthquake only shook us and didn’t do any destruction... I always wonder why these earth quakes appear and when ever this happens, I go and research it and get different reasons from different points of view.

According to the Scientists - The basic theory is that the surface layer of the earth -- the lithosphere -- is comprised of many plates that slide over the lubricating athenosphere layer. At the boundaries between these huge plates of soil and rock. If the pressure increases to a high enough level, then it will overcome the force of the friction, and the blocks will suddenly snap forward. To put it another way, as the tectonic forces push on the "locked" blocks, potential energy builds. When the plates are finally moved, this built-up energy becomes kinetic. Some fault shifts create visible changes at the earth's surface, but other shifts occur in rock well under the surface, and so don't create a surface rupture.

This is so difficult for me to understand because I am not so smart and intelligent. I only understand simple language… J

But I can understand what my Nani says since it’s simple and I can relate to it after seeing Global warming affects and terrorist activities. According to my Nani, earthquake is a reaction against the negativity created by humans, basically it’s a reminder for us humans to stay on the right path and respect and love nature…

Today with this earthquake I witnessed, I experience this scared feeling every day inside me. Because I am so used to it I never realize…

When today the earth shook I got so scared and wanted to run away to protect myself but imagine what must be my heart going through who is feeling this quakes everyday with my bad deeds, lying, ungratefulness, selfish behavior and negativity I keep in my thoughts. My heart is always in this quake and I am sure my heart wants to run away from my body. I am the one who is creating such difficulties in my life and I want someone else to come and solve it.

We all like to play Blame game and never accept that every individual is important. I have heard people saying that one person cannot protect this huge earth but I just want to say that I am sure one person can protect one heart from these quakes and I believe that once these quakes becomes less in our heart, that day these earth quakes will start disappearing automatically from the earth and we all ( Earth and Humans) would be able to live Quake less life.”

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