Sunday, June 27, 2010

“Quake of My Heart

Couple of days back I witnessed an earthquake and experienced the effects of it. The earthquake was strong and lasted for some 30 seconds… But those 30 seconds shook everything… houses, buildings, tables, and me... I really got scared and started running to save myself and I am sure everybody did that and luckily the earthquake only shook us and didn’t do any destruction... I always wonder why these earth quakes appear and when ever this happens, I go and research it and get different reasons from different points of view.

According to the Scientists - The basic theory is that the surface layer of the earth -- the lithosphere -- is comprised of many plates that slide over the lubricating athenosphere layer. At the boundaries between these huge plates of soil and rock. If the pressure increases to a high enough level, then it will overcome the force of the friction, and the blocks will suddenly snap forward. To put it another way, as the tectonic forces push on the "locked" blocks, potential energy builds. When the plates are finally moved, this built-up energy becomes kinetic. Some fault shifts create visible changes at the earth's surface, but other shifts occur in rock well under the surface, and so don't create a surface rupture.

This is so difficult for me to understand because I am not so smart and intelligent. I only understand simple language… J

But I can understand what my Nani says since it’s simple and I can relate to it after seeing Global warming affects and terrorist activities. According to my Nani, earthquake is a reaction against the negativity created by humans, basically it’s a reminder for us humans to stay on the right path and respect and love nature…

Today with this earthquake I witnessed, I experience this scared feeling every day inside me. Because I am so used to it I never realize…

When today the earth shook I got so scared and wanted to run away to protect myself but imagine what must be my heart going through who is feeling this quakes everyday with my bad deeds, lying, ungratefulness, selfish behavior and negativity I keep in my thoughts. My heart is always in this quake and I am sure my heart wants to run away from my body. I am the one who is creating such difficulties in my life and I want someone else to come and solve it.

We all like to play Blame game and never accept that every individual is important. I have heard people saying that one person cannot protect this huge earth but I just want to say that I am sure one person can protect one heart from these quakes and I believe that once these quakes becomes less in our heart, that day these earth quakes will start disappearing automatically from the earth and we all ( Earth and Humans) would be able to live Quake less life.”

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Balance Sheet

“Today I got my bank statement of my Debit and Visa card via mail. I really feel that Life has becomes so easy with these bank statements coming home through mail which saves my time from standing in the line and travelling. Anyways this bank statement is so important for all of us without a doubt; at least I get solid help in maintaining my bank balance, savings, investments and catching hold on my credits.Here I am not discussing my bank balance with you, never know you may be working with IT department [ Income Tax ] and if that’s the case then for your kind of information I am bankrupt and I have no job that’s why I am spending time in writing whatever comes to me so please don’t get into that.One thing is there that I am not at all scared of IT department people because I know I can hire any capable accountant who will help me in Blah Blah Blah. Hope you know what I am talking about because everybody does that.Secretly I’ll tell you one thing that in life I am scared of Head of IT DEPARTMENT (Internal Tax Department – GOD) who knows everything about my Bank of Deeds, Thoughts and Actions. In front of him I cannot show Bankruptcy because my Accountant (Sub-conscious mind) is also working for him and I cannot hire any other one because he is the best I could get. I wish I could get My Life statement from up there with which I can keep a track on my Savings (God’s Gift with which I do my service), Investments (building good karma), Balance (balance of life time) and Credits (paying back for Bad deeds).In my job, my pay cheque comes in my bank account straight and from there my accountant takes care of it and tells me where I can invest or what can be done to avoid paying back. But in life my pay cheque of life goes straight to the Head of IT Department and then he decides according to my deeds, thoughts and actions how much I have to pay back and my accountant keeps a tally on everything and reminds me time to time so that I start investing instead of building credit for my future… Because when I leave from this earthly job my family members up there will not ask me how much and what you got for us but they will ask me hope you got enough to stay with us. Because up there truth is “Like attracts like” Good stays with Good and Bad stays with bad and they don’t understand bargaining.”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting back to Basics

In my 8 years of dance career, I have learned that to become a good dancer, I need to work on Rhythm, Timing, Flexibility, Control, Strength and Endurance. To get these things, an individual need lots of physical training and regular practice sessions.
When I started dancing, I never knew about these things at that time. For me dance was a medium to have fun, to relax myself and a source of entertainment. But with regular training and a proper guidance, I got to know why I feel relaxed and entertained after dance. The Reason was Rhythm, Timing, Flexibility, Control, Strength and Endurance. Because these things help to move… According to the Rhythm of the song, I have learned when to start and pause… When to go up or down with the help of Timing… Flexibility gave me the freedom to move freely according to the beat or a concept of a song… I have learned to control the body movements on a song so that I can do justice with my every move… Strength and Endurance gave me opportunity to manage all the above for a long period of time.
Time passed and I have become better in these basic requirements of dance but I am still not at my best because if I reach to my best than it will become difficult to learn the rest.
I am glad that I have learned these basic things which are helping me in becoming extra-ordinary and today I am a teacher who is imparting this knowledge of dance to many people. I have taught many people but I am unable to teach my own physical mind.
My physical mind is like an untrained dancer who is dancing but not understanding his own moves. The reason behind that is my mind hasn’t learned the basic responsibility of life which is exactly the same as basic responsibility of a Dancer.
I like to relate my behavior in life with the things around me and that’s why today I am relating my life with an untrained dancer. Like I said earlier that when I began dancing, I didn’t know the reason and importance of basics, similarly with the pass of my lifetime I haven’t learn the basic of life.
As a person I have a problem in my timing, I have never been to a perfect place at the perfect time. When my parents needed me the most I was spending my time to find out what I need in my life. Before passing my student life, I was focusing on my career life which was again wrong timing. This wrong timing behavior made me lose the Rhythm of my life. Now I wish I could have done the right thing at the right time it would be better.
I was so stubborn that I had no flexibility in my past; because I was inflexible I lost many opportunities to grow in my relationships and career. I wanted things my way but I forgot that I am not a musician but just a dancer who can adjust the rhythm of the song but can’t change it. I lost many friends, relatives and job opportunities because I was not ready to adjust and I was inflexible with time. I wanted to control time but I forgot to control my own self. Inflexibility gave me the habit of controlling people because of which I lost a good time of relationships in no time.
Today when I am writing this I am not depressed but I am concerned about my happy life and luckily I have 2 basic things (Strength and Endurance) left with me which I didn’t use at my fall but now I can use them. Strength and Endurance will be my positive weapon to get hold on my basics. With the correct use of my strength and endurance, I can get my Rhythm, timing, flexibility and control in my life. My Life gave me an opportunity to learn the basic of Dance and Dance gave me an opportunity to refresh my memory towards basic of Life.
Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it. – Samuel Johnson

Carrie Ficher says - "I dont want life to imitate art...I want life to be Art..."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Damage, Disaster, Failure and Detachment.

“Damage, Disaster, Failure and Detachment are negative shades of my life.
Every time one of these words appeared in my life; due to their affect, some important things of my life disappeared. These negative shades appeared quite often in my life because I am not perfect and hence they are going to be with like my underwear... But when I sit and try to understand the reason behind these negative shades, they do not seem negative at all instead they look like a shift of my life or you can say a growth for me.
It's like a monkey on a tree where every branch is important for him but they are not his destination. Similarly my negative shades are branches for me (I consider myself a “human”key) to reach my destination and help me understand my journey.
And I understood that these negative shades like Damage in my any relationship teaches me to renovate them to avoid disaster because every disaster made me realize the importance of nature - my own nature with myself and with others and my bad nature always gave me failure. Constant failure is making me eager to taste success because I am hoping that now taste of success is going to be the most memorable taste which will help me detach from my negative side. Also I started believing that detachment is also an important section of my life because once I detach myself with one thing, only then can I attach to the other thing... Because change is constant and change is growth.
I know that these thoughts looks are very easy when we sit, think and talk but I think I can make these thoughts looks easy when I stand and act... Because how can I forget that I was awesome in destroying myself and my life than how can I be a loser when I am just clearing the mess which is not messing me anymore.
So here I stand to walk on my strong feet of faith on a journey of positive belief.”