Thursday, June 24, 2010

Balance Sheet

“Today I got my bank statement of my Debit and Visa card via mail. I really feel that Life has becomes so easy with these bank statements coming home through mail which saves my time from standing in the line and travelling. Anyways this bank statement is so important for all of us without a doubt; at least I get solid help in maintaining my bank balance, savings, investments and catching hold on my credits.Here I am not discussing my bank balance with you, never know you may be working with IT department [ Income Tax ] and if that’s the case then for your kind of information I am bankrupt and I have no job that’s why I am spending time in writing whatever comes to me so please don’t get into that.One thing is there that I am not at all scared of IT department people because I know I can hire any capable accountant who will help me in Blah Blah Blah. Hope you know what I am talking about because everybody does that.Secretly I’ll tell you one thing that in life I am scared of Head of IT DEPARTMENT (Internal Tax Department – GOD) who knows everything about my Bank of Deeds, Thoughts and Actions. In front of him I cannot show Bankruptcy because my Accountant (Sub-conscious mind) is also working for him and I cannot hire any other one because he is the best I could get. I wish I could get My Life statement from up there with which I can keep a track on my Savings (God’s Gift with which I do my service), Investments (building good karma), Balance (balance of life time) and Credits (paying back for Bad deeds).In my job, my pay cheque comes in my bank account straight and from there my accountant takes care of it and tells me where I can invest or what can be done to avoid paying back. But in life my pay cheque of life goes straight to the Head of IT Department and then he decides according to my deeds, thoughts and actions how much I have to pay back and my accountant keeps a tally on everything and reminds me time to time so that I start investing instead of building credit for my future… Because when I leave from this earthly job my family members up there will not ask me how much and what you got for us but they will ask me hope you got enough to stay with us. Because up there truth is “Like attracts like” Good stays with Good and Bad stays with bad and they don’t understand bargaining.”

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