Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So the other day I was driving and my cars GPS was on. The GPS gave me an instruction to take the 2nd exit to go west, but I made a mistake and took the exit towards east instead. The moment I took that exit, I realized that I had made a mistake. I got worried and wanted to stop or reverse, but it was impossible for me to do that. At the same time, my cars GPS started locating a new route and suggested that I go ahead on a highway and take the first exit to my right. I followed the instructions and eventually my cars GPS brought me back to the correct path. Yes, it definitely took longer than the regular route, but it didn’t matter as long as I was back on track. When I came back home and was thinking about the whole thing, I realized that the situation I faced is so similar to our day-to-day life. We are on a journey and we have our instinct as our GPS. Our instinct is always informing us about the right and wrong path. When we don't listen to our instinct and make mistakes, that does not mean it’s the end. It’s ok to make mistakes. But after making a mistake, if we realize and listen to our instinct, then we can definitely come back to the right path. We are humans and we tend to make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we are bad or that we can’t do things in a better way. I believe that if we humans learn from our mistakes, then we can create miracles because we are children of a Great Magician called "God".

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why this Kolaveri di?

I always ask myself why am I not successful? Why am I not famous? How can I become known? I work hard, I am smart, I follow every single step which should make you successful, but then why am I still not known? I am not known because I am unknowing of the fact that success is not about hard work, it's not about being smart and it's not about following a path. I can never become famous by following because fame is not about following a path- it is about creating one. A path that is fresh, new, different and abstract. If people are not laughing at you, then they will never clap for you either. Success is a ripple effect, a ripple effect of a known potential. I need to know my potential so that I can be the start of that ripple effect. If I don't know myself, then how can I expect people to know me? Yes, I need to know myself better than ever. It’s me who can bring the difference in me and the world. I don’t have to change anything to get the best from the world; instead I need to do my best to bring change in the world. A world that is going crazy listening to Kolaveri di. Nobody knows what is good in that song, but it has created a ripple effect. Its new, fresh and abstract. If that song can get famous so can you. So be the start of the ripple effect of your success.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

When its late, start all over again

I’m writing after so long and I have no idea what to write. It's been really long since I wrote my last blog. So much has happened since then and I came across so many people who gave me good and bad memories. I’m really grateful to both kinds of people/situations, because due to them I know the taste of both. A taste which is stuck on my tongue and I would like to call it "sweesour" taste. This taste is so powerful that after having it I really don't remember any other taste. I’m happy that I have discovered a new taste, but the drawback is that now I’m addicted to it. I know and I have heard that addiction of any kind is not good. Addiction makes you feel like an animal from a circus, who is trained to do a thing in a certain way, which makes life monotonous. I really think that those circus animals definitely want to go out in the forest where they belong, which is similar to me as I also want to go where I belong. But like an animal that doesn’t know what that place is called, I don't know where I belong either. But there are so many people who belong to my kind of thought process. They are happy with what they have but they want to know where they really belong. This search is on since we came into this world. We looked at our past and we are looking at our future for the answer, but it is almost impossible to get the answer because the answer is not lying in my past or future- it is lying in front of me as a "Present". Where I take myself today is the place where I belong. The question is not where do I see myself in 10 years? But the question is, after 10 years do I want to see my present or do I want to think about my next 10 years plan?

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I always knew that we humans are smart and have good understanding, but the only thing is that we ignore that behavior of ours. Yaa really today when I was traveling in a car and watching other people pass by and we were passing some cars too, and what I realized is that nobody was panicking and nobody was thinking about who is going fast and who is going slow, and that is because we all know that we are going to our destination and we all have our own set time to go there. On this road trip of mine I saw that nobody wants to prove, nobody wants to set their own rules and conditions for others- everybody was their own idol and nobody was feeling superior or getting priority because of a better car. People were calm, maybe upset, maybe chilling but in their own premises (Car) but they were not influencing anybody outside; instead they were doing what was best for all. That road trip was really amazing for me to realize this potential of us humans, but what happens to us in our day-to-day life, why are we the complete opposite of that? Why are we all in a panicky state most of the time? Why are we going so fast- to come first in everything, is that what really matters? Did we really forget that we all have the potential to do something better and all us individuals have our own style and time to do that? Why do we always want to prove ourselves and in that process, set rules and conditions to limit ourselves? Can't we be free from all that? Can't we just forget about running behind all these competitions and destinations, and just go out for a new journey every time and become a better driver of our own life? I think it is going to be very simple and fun only if we take it that way. We humans are children of a Magician called God and we have this talent of creating Magic in people’s lives and ours. So let's go peeps, boost ur woofers, listen to the music and enjoy the Journey of life and keep refilling your Heart tank with joy, positivity and an energetic smile :-) pe pe pe peeeeee honk honk;-)